The best dental clinics in Albania specialize in dental implantology, in the application of dental veneers and offer a complete service that includes; bone reconstruction, dental aesthetics, computer-guided implantology and classic & invisible orthodontics.
When it comes to dental veneers and their cost in Albania, consider that the expenses are up to 50% less than in Italy. We offer our patients high quality dental treatments thanks to an attentive, specialized staff who is fluent in Italian language and provides dental care in total safety and comfort.
The reason for these lower costs for dental veneers in Albania compared to other European countries should not be found in less effective materials as much as in the less heavy Albanian taxation.
But why choose Albania?
Simple; not only are the dental hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art equipment but they also bring to you the best of the European universities’ medical excellence, as we are proud of our team of specialized dentists.
For this reason we invite you to visit our team page by clicking here.